1. Ghost Bananas-stuck in peanut butter, dark chocolate chips for eyes, and a raisin for a mouth
2. Deviled Egg Spiders-Deviled eggs made with vegenaise, organic mustard, sea salt, and paprika topped with a black olive "spider" (or my attempt at carving a spider out of an olive)
3. Boooo-berry muffins
The kids loved it and didn't even ask for candy/cookies/etc. By the way, we understand that at the holidays it can be tough to avoid treats, so my advice is either to make homemade snacks/treats, buy organic treats to swap, or just let them have a couple pieces of cookie/candy and then make it disappear. Remind them of other fun things about holidays, such as dressing up, spending time with family, games, etc. My 3 year old LOVES parties but for her it's just the idea so as long as you are excited about it, she's happy! Have a Happy Halloween everyone!
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